To what extent are your consultants capable of leading the target customer towards changes with added value?

Customers feel increasingly harassed by consultants and sales people trying to make it clear to them why the supplier’s product is the very best. No wonder that the buyers have developed a defensive behavior over the past decades.

Then again, experience shows that these consultants in particular have hardly ever been trained with regard to change-inducing consulting and negotiation.

BENEfit has developed processes that show the target group of the ‚technical consultants‘ how to first gain the target customer’s basic approval with regard to improvements (WHAT) before talking about a possible implementation (HOW). This methodology is called BENEfit ConsultingChamp®

In terms of content, the main focus of the BENEfit ConsultingChamp® (see service description) is placed on encouraging the consultants to go beyond the technical aspects in customer consultations, to initiate the necessary change and to thus create a basis for a complementary sales effort.