Welcome to BENEfit
BENEfit COACHING NETWORK® helps corporate customers and proactive private customers to analyze their competences in demanding consulting and sales environments and to improve them in a targeted manner, and thus to achieve better results.
You determine whether you select and use our tools or standard training courses yourself or whether you design and implement customized projects together with our experts.
If the sales results are no longer satisfactory, it is worthwhile for corporate customers to perform an assessment of the situation on topics such as complex selling, optimization of sales models, key account management, etc. with the help of the BENEfit experts and their outside view.
Our consultants, trainers and coaches develop and implement goal-oriented improvement projects or change programs together with selected customer representatives.
The range of standard courses allows corporate customers to build up new and up-to-date expert knowledge of individual employees in a targeted manner, for example with regard to 'value selling' and 'strategic selling' or key account management, or to prepare company-internal workshops for the practice-specific enhancement of know-how by means of the e-booklet study material.
Self-paying private customers can build up new knowledge with regard to sales-effective consulting and support of customers and extend their sales competences beyond the traditional sale of products to the lucrative sale of ideas and concepts.